Cool new wallpaper

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Guestblog Studiobrenstijl
There was one room in the house that I felt looked a bit bleak. Javi's room was not really cosy. I like a neutral look that is easy on the eye, but at the end of the day, it’s still a children's room. And that's where the Roomblush wallpaper came in. I set to work and now his room has a really cool look!
Last year, just as we entered our first lockdown, we decided to swap all our rooms. We went to the attic, Lano moved into a bigger room, Javi's old one, and Javi got our old bedroom. Little by little, I added a touch of colour to the rooms and I redecorated. Javi's room already had the colour Urban Taupe on the wall, but all other walls were white. With a big IXXI featuring abstract shades of brown. Still, it was a bit dull. It lacked that quirky kids’ room vibe.
Javi is no longer a little boy, but his room could really use some excitement. It always looked so boring whenever I walked in. I really didn’t like it but I had no inspiration. It was always cluttered, and never inviting or cosy.
Then I came across Roomblush’s new wallpaper collection, and I got to try it out and photograph it. I saw this cool print and instantly knew this was perfect for Javi! He loves the colour red. I never thought about creating a bright red wall in this room, but this wallpaper looked amazing. It’s called Patchwork red.
It features not only a red shade, but also brown and natural brown hues. A win-win for mums :) On top of that, it has a cool print, which gives the room a great atmosphere. The room suddenly also feels more spacious. Bizarre… But it looks amazing!
Now I can say it really has become a children's room: cool with a very nice atmosphere, and it also matches the urban taupe wall colour that was there already. We had enough wallpaper to also cover the corner. At first this was not our intention, but in that corner the old fibreglass wallpaper was torn, so we thought this would be a great solution. And it also adds a nice finishing touch to the whole space!
So if you’re wondering, yes, you can paste this wallpaper over fibreglass wallpaper. Just wipe the wall clean to remove any dust and you’re good to go!
Oh and is Javi happy with it? He sure is!